He witnessed some of the most historic military events of the 20th century. A 2-part story, Mike Brock served 26 years in the US Marines. As a newly commissioned 2nd Lt, he was sent to Vietnam as a platoon commander where he lead troops on patrols and survived horrifying VC booby traps and ambushes. 20 yrs laters as a Colonel, he served in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm as commander of Surveillance and Reconnoissance in the decisive US and coalition victory against Iraq. Just 2 years later, he served his 3rd deployment in Somalia during Operation Restore Hope.
Post-military, he became the founding instructor of the JROTC program at Mountain View High School in Bend, Oregon. There he became influential inspiring students to overcome life obstacles and become great achievers.
Episode 1: Vietnam
Episode 2: Iraq & Somalia
If this doesn’t instill a sense of love in your heart for this Nation, & the men/women who placed themselves in harm’s way to ensure our Freedom, Liberty and Justice…I hope and pray that we never lose hope for tomorrow after reflecting on yesterday.
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